We continue in 2025-2028

On Friday, June 7, the Advice for the Policy Plan for Art and Culture 2025-2028 for The Hague was presented to alderman Saskia Bruines. In this advice, the requested subsidy amount is awarded fully to the Johan Wagenaar Foundation, the organization behind Festival Dag in de Branding. We are very proud of this great review, which allows us to continue on our current path until at least 2028. With great festival programs, children’s concerts and other activities and also with learning trajectories for young makers, so that new music can continue to develop. We look forward to seeing you at the festival!

From the review:
Festival Dag in de Branding, which the JWS organizes together with partners three times each season, is of a high level and of great importance for the city and for composers working in The Hague.
Festival Dag in de Branding has an important overview function, so that the audience is immediately informed of developments in new music.


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